Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hospital Visitors

Max's first few days of life spent at Rancho Springs Hospital

So most of this blog will be pictures of Max's hospital visitors, but also an update of the things that happened during the first few days of life.
On Max's first night he had to stay in the NICU because his oxygen levels dropped at one point and so they decided that it was best that he stay to be monitored. No one was allowed to hold him except Alex and I. His brother's had to wait to meet him. :(
On Sunday around 5am they finally let me keep him in my room. That meant he had a lot of visitors that day. Among those include: his older brothers, his aunt Tilly, Aaliyah, and Andre, his Tia Rosie, Tio Mario, and Gisselle, and his grandma Olivia and Grandpa Enrique.


After all our visitor's left Max had his hearing screening
On Monday morning, my birthday, I was released to go home, but Max had to stay because he needed time under the lights because of his jondus level. I was upset, but they allowed me to stay one more night at the hospital so that I could be close to my baby, and feed him.
Finally Tuesday around 11:30am we got to go home. I got to bring my baby home, and this time he only had to spend one extra day in the hospital. Shortest extra stay for us, which was exciting.
When we got home we had special visitors waiting for us. Grandma Shona and Janessa who had drove all the way from Wyoming to meet the newest addition to our family. Janessa just had to kiss baby Max's face all over. She loved him so much. :)

We also had our friends and neighbors Liz, Adam, and Maribelle come over to visit. Duirng their visit Max needed to eat. So I feed him, but Maribelle was very curious as to why I was covering him up with a blanket. She pulled the blanket down and freaked out because of the way that he eats. So funny. Her face was priceless. :)
That night Kim came over and brought us dinner, and then we had dinners brought to us throughout the week by the kind ladies, and friends of our ward. Katie Bock, Diane Hardin, Stephanie Carbullido, and Michelle Sauvao. We were so grateful for their kindness. My mom also made me the most delicious birthday cake on Thursday night when things had finally calmed down a little.
Rafie went back to school on Wednesday and told his class that I finally popped the baby out of my belly, but now I had elephant feet, and they looked so nasty. LOL leave it to my 6 year old to tell everyone about my fat feet. So funny.
All in all the first few days/week of Max's life went very well. :)


1 comment:

  1. SO SO CUTE and special! So happy for you guys! CONGRATS!
