Saturday, March 2, 2013

Newborn Photos

So we all hope that when we go to have our babies newborn pictures taken, they come out cute, and our little one stays asleep to get through it easily...

Apparently Max had another idea of how he was going to handle taking his newborn pictures, and he was going to stay awake the entire time. So this photo shot that was supposed to take at the most an hour ended up taking 2.5 hours, and at the end I was finally like okay I think we have plenty of pictures because Max is done.
I am so thankful that Kimberly is as talented as she is because these pictures came out amazing, and I love them all!

Can't wait to get family photos done, as well as Easter and his 3 month pictures done. :)

Hospital Visitors

Max's first few days of life spent at Rancho Springs Hospital

So most of this blog will be pictures of Max's hospital visitors, but also an update of the things that happened during the first few days of life.
On Max's first night he had to stay in the NICU because his oxygen levels dropped at one point and so they decided that it was best that he stay to be monitored. No one was allowed to hold him except Alex and I. His brother's had to wait to meet him. :(
On Sunday around 5am they finally let me keep him in my room. That meant he had a lot of visitors that day. Among those include: his older brothers, his aunt Tilly, Aaliyah, and Andre, his Tia Rosie, Tio Mario, and Gisselle, and his grandma Olivia and Grandpa Enrique.


After all our visitor's left Max had his hearing screening
On Monday morning, my birthday, I was released to go home, but Max had to stay because he needed time under the lights because of his jondus level. I was upset, but they allowed me to stay one more night at the hospital so that I could be close to my baby, and feed him.
Finally Tuesday around 11:30am we got to go home. I got to bring my baby home, and this time he only had to spend one extra day in the hospital. Shortest extra stay for us, which was exciting.
When we got home we had special visitors waiting for us. Grandma Shona and Janessa who had drove all the way from Wyoming to meet the newest addition to our family. Janessa just had to kiss baby Max's face all over. She loved him so much. :)

We also had our friends and neighbors Liz, Adam, and Maribelle come over to visit. Duirng their visit Max needed to eat. So I feed him, but Maribelle was very curious as to why I was covering him up with a blanket. She pulled the blanket down and freaked out because of the way that he eats. So funny. Her face was priceless. :)
That night Kim came over and brought us dinner, and then we had dinners brought to us throughout the week by the kind ladies, and friends of our ward. Katie Bock, Diane Hardin, Stephanie Carbullido, and Michelle Sauvao. We were so grateful for their kindness. My mom also made me the most delicious birthday cake on Thursday night when things had finally calmed down a little.
Rafie went back to school on Wednesday and told his class that I finally popped the baby out of my belly, but now I had elephant feet, and they looked so nasty. LOL leave it to my 6 year old to tell everyone about my fat feet. So funny.
All in all the first few days/week of Max's life went very well. :)


Friday, March 1, 2013

Our Newest Addition February 16th 2013

We all love a good story, and the birth of our precious baby Maximus is a great story to tell!

Let's start from the beginning: Our good friends Marcos and Marina found out about the same time that we did that they were going to be parents. This of course was our third, but it was going to be their first. How exciting! When we had our first doctors appointments we found out that our due dates were three days apart, I know crazy right!

Now skip to the good stuff, DELIVERY: On Friday February 15th @ 1:30am I got a call from Marcos letting me know that Marina's water had broke and that they were going to have baby Noah soon. Around 5:00pm that night baby Noah was born. I couldn't wait to meet the little guy and so when Alex got off work we decided to head to Baldwin Park to meet him. I picked Alex up at the FedEx terminal around 9:00pm, and at that time I was having strong contractions, but I thought for sure that they would go away. It wasn't until we finally made it to the hospital to meet baby Noah around 11:00pm that my contractions stopped. We meet baby Noah and then headed home. We got home around 12:30pm. Everything was fine and we got right to bed, we were all very tired.

WHAT IN HEAVENS NAME IS HAPPENING: To me this is kind of silly, but i really is what happened. Around 2:00am I thought that I was dreaming and in my dream I was having strong contractions that were somehow shaped like hearts and stabbing me to get out. What a crazy dream, RIGHT? Until I actually woke up from the pain and realized that I was having contractions. I jumped out of bed, and just stood there half asleep thinking am I still dreaming or is this for real???? I waited to wake Alex up to make sure that the pain was real and that I was really awake. Another 10 minutes and I had had three contractions, the pain was getting stronger but I didn't want to wake him if it was a false alarm. I stood at the bottom of our sleigh bed, holding on fr what felt like dear life as I experienced contraction after contraction. I looked at the clock and an hour had passed so I woke Alex up and made him call his mom. It was time, baby Max was coming I just knew it!  We waited another hour for his brother to get to our house to watch Rafie and Aiden. Alex was excited and nervous and decided the best thing to do was take a shower, LOL, hello! I am in pain and you ae taking a shower, you have got to be kidding me, LOL!

The phone call: I am not real sure why, but every time I call my mom to tell her the baby is coming I get real emotional. So I call her at 4:00am her time to tell her that we are on the way to the hospital, and that I am pretty sure baby Max is coming. She is calm and tells me to keep her posted, but instead of just saying okay I start to cry and tell her that they aren't going to keep me because I am not going to dilate to a 4.5 before the hour is up. STUPID EMOTIONS!

4:00 am: We arrive at the hospital and they check us right in. I didn't even have to wait! The nurse hooks me up to the machine and states that my contractions are a minute and a half apart. I think to myself, Ya thanks lady I already know that, lol. At this point the pain has caused me to be a little moody

5:00 am: The nurse says that I am going to have a baby today and that she is going to give me some medication to help me dilate faster.

7:30 am: I am having serious pain and the nurse is reminding me to breath through each contraction. I tell Alex, I really need you to b my coach and remind me to just breath through my contractions. I tell him not to talk to me about anything else, just to remind me to breath. So he starts asking me questions about what my dad said when I called him, and what my mom said. Then all the sudden I am having a contraction and he is telling me how big of a contraction it is, and where on the scale it is hitting. ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME! I yell at him because he is really getting on my nerves, and all he can do is laugh at me and tell me how cute I look when I am mad. UGH! At the time I wanted to seriously punch him, but now I think that it is really funny!

10:50 am: The nurse tells me that it is time to push. Okay I think I can handle this. Alex is supposed to be pushing my leg toward me but instead he is just holding it up in the air. LOL, the nurse finally yells at him and tells him this is your 3rd kid, how can you not know what you are doing? So after pushing three times baby Max is crowning. But the doctor isn't dressed and I have to wait for him, the pressure was beyond belief and I was crying it hurt so much.

11:08 am: One final push and our third beautiful baby boy Maximus Enrique Sanchez is born. They give me the baby and I get to hold him for what felt like the shortest minute of my life, before things start to go wrong. *WARNING!!! The next part may be TMI FOR SOME* While delivering the placenta my uterus starts to fall out. The doctor kind of freaks out and jams it back inside me holding it in place with his hand. He is screaming at the nurse to get the shot and I can feel him massaging my uterus inside my body. Another nurse places an oxygen mask on me and takes my blood pressure stating that it is way to low. The nurse comes back and jams the needle in my thigh to help my uterus contract, then another shot in my arm for my blood pressure. By this time Alex is MIA and I am light headed because of all the medication. After about 25 minutes, the doctor does an all clear and explains to me that if I hadn't of delivered Max today he would have been a still born on my actual due date because of my placenta and uterus detaching from each other. Once again the power of God conquers all! We have yet another miracle baby boy! For those of you who don't believe in miracles just look at my 2 youngest boys and they are all the proof you will ever need!

A little scary, but of course my little man needed oxygen at birth.


Look at his hairy back and arms


Who wins the look alike: Of course our little Max comes out looking just like his daddy and his older brother Rafael. He has hairy little arms, legs, and back, and he has a full head of hair. He definitely is a Sanchez baby, cute as can be!